We can help you lead effectively, manage people and get your workforce fully productive, if you:

  • Need access to support and advice with a problem, right now
  • Want an independent investigator, conciliator, advisor or mentor
  • Are committed to changing your workplace culture
  • Need a trainer, facilitator, researcher or speaker
  • Aspire to be the best possible leader
Our consultancy in Melbourne offers services around Australia. We have exceptionally solid experience and expertise. We give legally sound, confidential and immensely practical advice, helping to keep you out of trouble and your people happy.

We have years of experience in the law, policy development, managing change, audits, inquiries, research and media. We work extensively with trade and professional organisations, peak and lobby groups, tertiary institutions and schools, government – federal, state and territory and, particularly, local government.

We work with employment service providers, large and small employers; manufacturers, property and event managers, and with community, philanthropic and charitable groups.

We understand and tailor our services to your specific needs.